
Thu, 10/22/2020

Dave - as dicussed, here is a short list of System Thinking items in preparation for next week's meeting.I have made it a web page so I can easily update without having to re-send emails.

1) My recent featured talk for PTC Liveworx. I have found that this material strongly resonates with...

Tue, 04/14/2020

Link to my podcast inteview with Chris Yeh and Lindsay Meade -

HBS Class of 2000 Podcast




Tue, 04/14/2020

Link to my upcoming webinar on April 30 (10-10:30 AM Boston ET)

Using Digital Technology to Rapidly Recover from Operational Interruptions


Thu, 03/26/2020

Sometimes it is easier NOT to solve the problem - and it is always useful to ask this question as it will force your team to eliminate from "overprocessing" and eliminate "gold plating" the solution, which drastically increases the probability of failure (or reduces the likelihood of success,...